বৃহস্পতিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর, ২০১১


[Under Construction]

Still under the editing phase, Please don't pay much attention to this, as it is not final and much will be changed.

1) 4 types of magic

  • 1.1a)Weapon magic
  • 1.1)Environmental magic
  • 1.2)Persona magic
  • 1.3)Healing
2) 6 rules of magic.
  • 2.1) Range
  • 2.2) Focus
  • 2.3) Limitation
  • 2.4) Dominion
  • 2.5) Creation
  • 2.6) Natural Law.
4) 11 classes of magic
  • 3.1) Pyromancy
  • 3.2) Aquamancy
  • 3.3) Aeromancy
  • 3.4) Geomancy
  • 3.5) Botanomancy
  • 3.6) Technomancy
  • 3.7) Electromancy
  • 3.8) Feral magic
  • 3.9) Healing magic
  • 3.10) Person magic
  • 3.11) Spacial manipulation

4.1) 4 types of Magic

4.1a)Weapon magic
Giving your weapon an attribute e.g Setting your sword on fire, encasing it in ice, or sending waves of razor sharp air in the direction of your slash, etc.
4.1b)Environmental Magic.
Altering your environment, no weapon needed (This is your classic fireball/electric shock/water spout magic)
4.1c)Persona Magic
Alter yourself or another e.g Increase your range of sight, hear better, run faster, hit harder etc...

4.2) 6 rules of magic

4.2a) Range
Target must be within range. Range varies on experience and the magic your using

4.2b) Focus
To do magic, you need focus,
Beginners need to use a word or hand symbol to concentrate the focus onto the point and spell.

4.2c) Limitation
Magic draws from your physical and mental strength, dont kill yourself
Most magic will stop when the caster exerts his or herself and passes out, but some will continue until all of the casters energy is spent, and their heart stops.

4.2d) Dominion
You must be strong enough to impose your will on your target, if it is being controlled by another will or force, e.g if in a duel you are facing a stronger magician and he throws a ball of fire at you, you cannot push it away, unless he releases it (Which if he's trying to kill you he probably won't do)
another example, If a Tidal wave is approaching you must be really strong at Aquamancy to push the wave away, otherwise you will have no effect.
If you are trying to control an animal you must have a stronger will than the animal to assert your will on it. (note: Wild animals are much harder to control than Domestic animals, and Intelligent creatures such as people or dragons are extremely hard to control)

4.2e) Creation
To create something you must understand it to it's most basic principles. For example if you wish to create water, you have to know that you need to mix two hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom to make a water molecule. or for fire you need to know that you need oxygen and nitrogen and a spark to cause the flame.
The more practice and understanding you have of the thing you wich to create the faster you will be, but no matter how good you are altering (moving) and already made element is always faster and less energy expending than creating it.

4.2 f) Natural Law
Magic is subject to nature,and can only push its limits so far. Certain things cannot be defied, for example lightning always strikes down. but you can defy this by creating a circuit, then magic will allow you to strike a grounded object if it is 1. horizontal or lower than you and 2. if it is grounded.
Death is finite. No resurrections

4.3) 11 attributes of magic

4.3a) Pyromancy
Fire control
4.3b) Aquamancy
Water control
4.3c) Aeromancy
Air control
4.3d) Geomancy
Earth control
4.3e) Arborimancy
Plant control
4.3 f) Chromancy
Metal control
4.3g) Electromancy
Electricity control
4.3h) Feral magic
Animal magic
4.3 i) Healing magic
... duh...
4.3 j) Persona magic
Mind link/telepathy/mind control
4.3h) Spacial manipulation
The hardest form of magic, it includes teleportation and if the person is gifted enough, some minor time bending. yet there is no one gifted enough yet to use this.
some stones allow teleportation across great distances.

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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